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Adiós 2024: miramos atrás y repasamos los momentos que marcaron el año
Un año más, en THB hotels cerramos una temporada, como siempre, especial gracias a vosotros, que nos visitáis año tras año. Ha sido un año lleno de proyectos que nos han permitido mejorar nuestras instalaciones, reforzar nuestro compromiso con la sostenibilidad y seguir creciendo como equipo. Ahora, mirando hacia el 2025, queremos compartir contigo las novedades que marcaron este año y las fechas clave de nuestras aperturas, ¡para que puedas soñar con tus próximas vacaciones desde ya! more informationOCTOBER
THB hotels receives the Ecostars sustainability certificate for its hotels
THB hotels is proud to announce that we have received the prestigious Ecostars certificate for our properties on Mallorca, Ibiza, Lanzarote and Costa del Sol. more informationOCTOBER
THB College Awarded “Best Social Responsibility Initiative” at the 2024 Nit del Turisme
Last Wednesday 25th September, the VIII edition of the Nit del Turisme (Tourism Night) was held in Menorca. more informationSEPTEMBER
THB hotels joins International Beach Cleanup Day with a sustainable commitment
Every year, on the third Saturday in September, 157 countries come together with a shared goal: to clean up the world’s polluted coasts and beaches. more informationAUGUST
THB hotels drives the circular economy with the Fundació Deixalles Foundation’s “Fem que Circuli” project
Here at THB hotels, we’re proud to announce our participation in the Fundació Deixalles Foundation’s project “Fem que Circuli" (Let’s Get Things Circulating), an initiative designed to drive the circular economy and support the social and labour insertion of people in vulnerable situations. This joint effort has resulted in major advances in the management and reuse of waste in the Balearic Islands’ hotel sector.
more informationAUGUST
THB hotels at the forefront of sustainability in the hospitality sector with circularity plans in all our destinations
THB hotels is delighted to announce a landmark achievement in our industry: we are the first hotel chain to introduce circularity plans in all our destinations.more informationmain_content_2main_content_3main_content_4main_content_5main_content_6main_content_7main_content_8main_content_9main_content_10main_content_11main_content_12main_content_13main_content_14main_content_15main_content_16main_content_17main_content_18main_content_19main_content_20main_content_21main_content_22main_content_23main_content_24main_content_25main_content_26main_content_27main_content_28main_content_29main_content_30main_content_footer_top_without_bordermain_content_footer